Sep 10·edited Sep 10Liked by Claire

you are my new favourite writer.

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thank you SO much!!! that’s incredibly inspiring to keep writing and publishing :) I’m glad you found the newsletter!

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Loved the poem! Quite a lot you were able to explore with just a few short lines—both a good metaphor for summer, but also a deeper look at its nature and how we might compare. A good one to read over a handful of times.

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Thank you so much for the thoughtful, perceptive response James! So glad you enjoyed :)

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I really enjoyed and savored your poem! You’ve brought the sweet spirit of summer , via the watermelon, into beautiful words, and they helped me give a big hug to the summer just as it’s leaving us.

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And now I shall go eat watermelon.

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hahaha love it!!

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Oh that was delightful to read!

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Beautiful Claire--as always! Can't believe our series is coming to an end soon. It's been such fun to do this with you.

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"Everything is meant for more."

Yes and amen, what a line.

PS Tell me who did that remarkable watermelon watercolor--it's beautiful!

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I wish I knew! Normally I post art with the artist's name but in this case I found it on Pinterest with no source sadly :(

and thank you for reading!!

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